SIPLUS S7-1500 TM POSINPUT 2 -40…+70_?C start up -25_?C with conformal coating based on 6ES7551-1AB00-0AB0 . Counting and position feedback module, 2 channels, for RS422 incremental encoder or SSI absolute value encoder, 2 DI, 2 DO per channel.
6AG1551-1AB00-7AB0 – SIPLUS S7-1500 TM POSINPUT 2 (Counting and position feedback)
SIPLUS S7-1500 TM POSINPUT 2 -40…+70_?C start up -25_?C with conformal coating based on 6ES7551-1AB00-0AB0 . Counting and position feedback module, 2 channels, for RS422 incremental encoder or SSI absolute value encoder, 2 DI, 2 DO per channel